Food & Drink

Mendip Lodge

Follow the illuminated path through our ancient woodland to discover our hidden country lodge with a licensed bar, lounge areas and large garden room with a log fire.

The restaurant opens for lunch and dinner daily. Outside, our cider garden features repurposed parachutes providing shade over a huge communal fire bowl with views overlooking our ski slope and Thatchers cider orchards.

Click here to read the menu

The Pavilion

Our reception, camp shop and pop-up cafe are open from 8am until 9pm everyday. Barista coffee, breakfast rolls, pizza and fries are available every day.

Our shop stocks local burgers, sausages, bread, milk and cheese, locally sourced beer and cider plus all the essential food and camping items you might need (plus anything you have forgotten). Our fridges, freezers and shelves are packed with ice-cream, ice-cold drinks and all sorts of sweet and savoury treat.

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