
Here at Mendip we are always working hard to ensure we are sustainable today and for the future. This is a group effort though, so we need your help! We can all reduce our impact on the environment through the choices we make, and as a visitor you have a very important role to play in helping us conserve our natural assets and become a more sustainable destination.

Give the car a rest
We understand that our location can make it difficult to travel to us by any means other than your car. Once you are here though, you can enjoy a car free break as there is so much to do on site! If you did want to venture outside of the activity centre, we encourage you to leave the car behind and find out what the area has to offer by foot, bike, or public transport. We are a stone’s throw from Thatchers Cider Farm and The Strawberry Line for those who fancy a walk or bike ride. We are also on a bus route for those who want to explore further afield. See our directions page for more info.

Conserve Energy
Most of our lighting is on a sensor or on a timer but, in areas like our bunkhouse rooms where this isn’t the case, please help us to reduce energy consumption by switching off the lights when you leave your room. You can also help by ensuring that windows remain closed while the heating is on.

Shop Local
We have some fantastic products on our doorstep and we highly recommend you give them a try for the full local experience! We stock many of them in our campsite farm shop for you to enjoy during your stay but feel free to have a chat with staff to find out some more insider info on what else the area has to offer.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Try to avoid bringing any overly packaged goods with you and say no to single use plastics. We have lots of bin points on site which collect multiple waste streams. Please do your bit by separating and disposing of different waste types in the appropriate bins.

Be Water Wise
Water is a precious resource and should be used wisely. Only take what you need from water points and ensure that all taps are turned off when not in use. Please also refrain from flushing anything other than toilet roll.

Respect Nature
We are lucky enough to be home to some of the most beautiful and unique areas of the Mendip Hills. Please help us to protect and look after the land and the wildlife that inhabit it by following The Countryside Code.

Support Green Businesses
There are hundreds of businesses trying to reduce their environmental impact through the Green Tourism Business Scheme. This is the go-to standard for sustainability, so look out for the symbol and please support those businesses that are working to make positive changes.

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