Terms & Conditions

By making this booking, you will (have) become a member of Mendip Basecamp camping and caravan club.

Please adhere to all noise, behaviour, dog, and fire pit rules at all times. Any parties found disregarding the rules may be asked to leave the campsite with no refund or credit.

Adult-only groups are permitted, but groups of adults of any size, all under the age of 25, are not permitted.

There is no access to the site for vehicles taller than 2.7m and to caravans. Access to the site is along a steep country lane, which may not be suitable for low-riding, large vehicles and trailer tents. All vehicles are driven onsite at drivers' own risk.

Responsibility.Mendip Basecamp cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss of goods or injury. Any possessions left unattended are done so at the owner's own risk.

Weather.As much as we would love to be able to control the weather, unfortunately, we cannot, and the British summertime can be unpredictable. Please pitch your tent responsibly, especially in high wind conditions. Mendip Basecamp is not liable for any damage to tents, including due to extreme weather.

Health & Safety.We are committed to making your experience as safe as possible. Our campsite facilities are cleaned and checked regularly. Please inform our team if you find anything that is not quite up to standard. Any health guidelines and restrictions in place during your visit must be observed.

Cancellation. If you do need to cancel your booking please let us know by emailing camp@mendip.co.uk as soon as possible. Your booking will be cancelled with effect from the day we receive your email notification and subject to the following cancellation charges:

- Up To 4 Days Prior To The Booked Event:

you may cancel your booking and receive a full credit voucher for the full value of the booking valid for 12 months for any of our activities, minus a 5 pound admin fee. Alternatively, you may move your booking to an alternative date, minus a 5 pound admin fee. Please note, if you have booked through a third party they may withhold your booking fee.

- Within 4 Days Of The Booked Event:

you will not be entitled to cancel or move your booking or receive any refund or credit voucher.

If you cancel your booking after the booking start date, we cannot issue any refund for any remaining nights of your booking. This includes situations where you need to cancel your booking for any reason outside of your reasonable control, including, without limitation, inclement weather and illness. We strongly recommend you take out Travel Insurance to cover you in these circumstances or should you need to cancel for medical reasons or due to a period of enforced quarantine. If, for whatever reason, you do not turn up on the arrival date stated on your booking confirmation without prior notice, this shall be considered a cancellation.

Basecamp Rules: Please see our Basecamp rules page

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