Mendip Basecamp Camper

Basecamp rules

As a relaxed and friendly off-grid family campsite, we have a few common sense rules to ensure everyone enjoys their stay.

If you agree that these make sense, then you’ll love the Basecamp vibe.

1 Quiet Night Policy

We have a 'Quiet Night' policy from 10pm until 8 am. During this time we ask that you do not disturb others and that your children are at your camp.

You are welcome to stay up late quietly chatting around the fire; however, after 10pm singing, screaming, shouting or running engines is unacceptable. If the next camp can hear you, you’re too loud.

Music:All music must be off by 10pm. Before 10pm, quiet, non-amplified background music is okay as long as it cannot be heard beyond your camping area.

Driving After Dark:For everyone's safety we do not allow vehicles to be moved after dark. If you arrive back at camp after dark simply park by the entrance and walk to your tent.

2 Fires

Fire pits and BBQs are encouraged as long as they are raised off the ground. Bricks to raise disposable BBQs are available to use. Bags of logs, kindling, firestarter kits, coals, BBQs and disposable BBQs are available to buy in the campsite shop

Firepits are hired with a fire bucket which must be filled with water whilst your fire is alight.

Please do not forage wood from our ancient woodland - protecting the woodland is part of our licence and our future as a public campsite depends on it.

3 Behaviour

We ask for respect from all our guests: respect for the land, the facilities and others. We have zero tolerance for aggressive, anti-social or disrespectful behaviour towards other campers or our team.

Children:We are a family campsite and love the sound of children playing but please be sensitive to noise as those around you start going to sleep. This may be before the 10pm quiet time. Children should be supervised at all times.

Alcohol:You are welcome to enjoy a few beers around the campfire with friends and family. However, as a family campsite with children and open fires, we expect you to drink responsibly at all times. We have zero tolerance for drunken or abusive behaviour.

‌Three Strikes:If things get a little too loud or if you are breaking our simple rules, we will give you a friendly warning. We will also give you a second chance if necessary - think of it like a yellow card. However, if we need to speak to you for a third time you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund. This rarely happens as the families that stay at Basecamp are a respectful, considerate and like-minded bunch. If your group likes to party late, Basecamp is not the right fit.

Complaints:Our team are a very friendly bunch and we appreciate the opportunity to rectify things whilst you are with us. We always appreciate fair reviews but please review us based on how we handled your issues rather than on problems we did not get a chance to rectify.

4 Dogs

Dogs:We love dogs and welcome friendly, well-behaved dogs. All dogs should be booked in advance and need to be kept on a lead and under control at all times. We have zero tolerance for anyone not clearing up after their dog and you will be asked to leave immediately if this is observed. Dog waste bags are available in the Pavilion. We do not allow dogs listed under the dangerous dogs act.

Terms & Conditions: Please see our Terms & Conditions page

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